
I first started photography as a hobby when I was at secondary school and I’ve never looked back (as they say).

I bought my first car on the proceeds of some Dr Who convention photographs I sold whilst I was still at school.  Also still at school I started teaching photography.  Since then I have taught for the Field Studies Council, The Scottish Field Studies Association, Epping Sixth Form College and The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh as well as teaching as a freelancer.  I have been up the Amazon photographing fungi, which was as magical as it sounds.

I have had work published in a wide range of books.  The Daily Mirror and The Guardian have both used my work and there are a large number of magazines out there with my material in.  And several TV shows as well.

I specialise in natural history and concert / theatre work.

I am available for private tuition for individuals or groups as well as commissions in my areas of expertise (outwith those areas I can potentially recommend photographers).  Feel free to use the contact form on the right hand side of the screen if you have any questions.